Within marriage, conflict can have either a positive or negative effect on the relationship and the family. This week I discovered that there is such thing as positive conflict and that conflict does not always produce negative outcomes. Little fights about different topics can be handled appropriately and settled. Such occurrences are natural and normal. They can actually bring couples closer as the conflict is resolved and a solution is found that meets the interests of both individuals. If each is seeking after the well being and acting out of love for the other, the conflict (differing in views) will likely end up being a positive thing.
Although, there are many who do not choose to resolve conflict this way. Instead of trying to show love and concern for the other, they want to prove their point and therefore act selfishly. Sadly, this is becoming a way that many couples choose to approach issues. Then, if they feel that the other person is getting in the way too often, there is always the option of divorce. This is absolutely not the way to go. It is a way out that many take thinking that in doing so issues would be resolved and that there would be less conflict in their lives. For some, this may be the case. But for most people, they later regret choosing divorce rather than working harder to fix issues and make the marriage work.
Children in the family are also affected by the conflict of parents. Though parents may try to hide it, the children can sense when there is something wrong. If there is too much conflict between parents, the children can be influenced in their future relationships to act similarly. What comes around goes around. We must work very hard to keep conflict at a minimum and try to think of the other person. If we do this more, our marriages will be healthier and our children will benefit greatly.
You mentioned positive conflict. What are some of the ways in which conflict can prove most effective? How can couples learn to best grow from stressors and difficulties? President Uchtdorf has said "...indeed we have great reason to rejoice. If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most." How can this quote encourage couples dealing with stress?
ReplyDeleteConflict can prove most effective when families are able to work through issues successfully. In doing this, the family is better able to handle future conflict and issues that will come. Through difficulties family members will be closer together and will depend upon each other a lot more. I really love the quote that President Uchtdorf said because it gives valuable advice. In order to avoid future conflict and stress, we need to prioritize what is most important. Couples who are dealing with stress can avoid problems by communicating with each other about what they should focus on. When a couple works together as one in dealing with these issues, the couple becomes more of a team and will treat each other as such when conflicts arise, validating one another's perspectives.