This was a very interesting week! We discussed sexuality and how it is something that should be reserved for marriage. I believe that it is an act that is sacred and valuable to god. Though it may be a temptation for people to want to do it out of marriage, research shows how doing so is not as satisfying physically as waiting for marriage. We also focused on how the trends of the U.S. are becoming more and more separate from the traditional focus on virginity and the keeping of this practice sacred. Cohabitation is becoming the norm. I personally believe that sex should be kept for marriage- one can prevent disease and be more satisfied.
We also focused on how one tells their children about the birds and the bees. After our lecture on this topic, I decided that in my family, I will be the one to tell my children about sex. This is because there are so many mixed messages that come from the school systems, school friends, and other sources that our children come by.
Why do you think research shows that sex is generally more satisfying in marriage? Why do you believe that promiscuity is becoming fairly acceptable in today's society? You mentioned that cohabitation is becoming a common trend that many choose before marriage. How can the commonality of cohabitation pose a threat to society? You discussed that when you have children you want to be the one who teaches children about sex, will you teach the children with your husband? What are some of the potential benefits of couples teaching their children about intimacy as opposed to just a mother or father teaching children?
ReplyDeleteThere have been statistics carried out by researchers that ask people to provide their level of satisfaction in their relationships. Married couples were show to rate higher in this field. I am fresh out of my youth and have recently experienced high school. I have seen first hand the promiscuity that occurs. I have had personal friends who moved right in with their boyfriends fresh out of high school and don't think twice about it. Personally I feel like it is becoming more acceptable and I am not appreciative of that. The commonality of cohabitation can be a threat to society because the definition of marriage is being changed. People are seeing it less as a valuable ceremony and more like a contract that will you sign your life away for. Yes, I plan to teach my children about sexual intimacy with my husband. We will most likely plan out exactly how we will tell them about it together and then I feel like it would be ideal if I teach the girls and he teaches the boys. Benefits that I feel would come from being open and discussing sex as a couple would likely help my children feel like this is not an awkward topic, but one that their parents together want them to know and understand. I also want them to hear it from their parents where morals can be implemented into teaching this topic.