Wednesday, November 27, 2013


       In society today, the role of the homemaker is looked down upon as a job of no worth. This is something that bothers me so much! Just because women have more rights and opportunities to be in the workforce does not mean that is where they should be or need to be. Since the time of Adam and Eve, families have been raised a specific way, the traditional way. The mother stays at home and cares for the kids while the father is the breadwinner. Within the last century, these roles have changed drastically. Women are expected to go work more and more! My little sister was at school in her fifth grade class and her teacher asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. My sister responded that she was going to be a mom. Her teacher explained to her that that was the first time that any of her students wanted to be a homemaker and that she thought it was a wonderful job.
    In some of the readings that we had, the amount that the average homemaker would make was recorded. We all discussed how placing a value on that type of work almost demeans it. My mother was a homemaker and I saw first hand the impact that she had when she was at home raising us. We always had someone to talk to and someone who was there for the sole purpose of taking care of us. There was one point when my mom had no choice but to go to work for about 6 months because our family wasn't making enough. That was a very hard time for us kids because we had to learn to entertain ourselves for the Summer. My mother did her best, but I gained a huge testimony that homemaker mothers provide a home and the children with a sense of love and care that would otherwise not be there. I hope to walk in the footsteps of my mother and take this responsibility as a homemaker seriously. I plan to get a degree first so that I could go to work if there was no other option, but my first plan is to sacrifice education so that I can raise children in a happy home where love abides.

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